PART I.—Winding up by the Tribunal
271. Circumstances in which company may be wound up by Tribunal
274. Directions for filing statement of affairs
275. Company Liquidators and their appointments
276. Removal and replacement of liquidator
277. Intimation to Company Liquidator, provisional liquidator and Registrar
278. Effect of winding up order
279. Stay of suits, etc., on winding up order
281. Submission of report by Company Liquidator
282. Directions of Tribunal on report of Company Liquidator
283. Custody of company’s properties
284. Promoters, directors, etc., to cooperate with Company Liquidator
285. Settlement of list of contributories and application of assets
286. Obligations of directors and managers
288. Submission of periodical reports to Tribunal
289. [Omitted.]
290. Powers and duties of Company Liquidator
291. Provision for professional assistance to Company Liquidator
292. Exercise and control of Company Liquidator’s powers
293. Books to be kept by Company Liquidator
294. Audit of Company Liquidator’s accounts
295. Payment of debts by contributory and extent of set-off
296. Power of Tribunal to make calls
297. Adjustment of rights of contributories
299. Power to summon persons suspected of having property of company, etc
300. Power to order examination of promoters, directors, etc
301. Arrest of person trying to leave India or abscond
302. Dissolution of company by Tribunal.
303. Appeals from orders made before commencement of Act.
304. [Omitted.].
305. [Omitted.].
306. [Omitted.].
307. [Omitted.].
308. [Omitted.].
309. [Omitted.].
310. [Omitted.].
311. [Omitted.].
312. [Omitted.].
313. [Omitted.].
314. [Omitted.].
315. [Omitted.].
316. [Omitted.].
317. [Omitted.].
318. [Omitted.].
319. [Omitted.].
320. [Omitted.].
321. [Omitted.].
322. [Omitted.].
323. [Omitted.].
PART III.—Provisions applicable to every mode of winding up
324. Debts of all descriptions to be admitted to proof.
325. [Omitted.]
326. Overriding preferential payments.
327. Preferential payments.
328. Fraudulent preference.
329. Transfers not in good faith to be void.
330. Certain transfers to be void.
331. Liabilities and rights of certain persons fraudulently preferred.
332. Effect of floating charge.
333. Disclaimer of onerous property.
334. Transfers, etc., after commencement of winding up to be void.
335. Certain attachments, executions, etc., in winding up by Tribunal to be void.
336. Offences by officers of companies in liquidation.
337. Penalty for frauds by officers.
338. Liability where proper accounts not kept.
339. Liability for fraudulent conduct of business.
340. Power of Tribunal to assess damages against delinquent directors, etc.
341. Liability under sections 339 and 340 to extend to partners or directors in firms or companies.
342. Prosecution of delinquent officers and members of company.
343. Company Liquidator to exercise certain powers subject to sanction.
344. Statement that company is in liquidation.
345. Books and papers of company to be evidence.
346. Inspection of books and papers by creditors and contributories.
347. Disposal of books and papers of company.
348. Information as to pending liquidations.
349. Official Liquidator to make payments into public account of India.
350. Company Liquidator to deposit monies into scheduled bank.
351. Liquidator not to deposit monies into private banking account.
352. Company Liquidation Dividend and Undistributed Assets Account.
353. Liquidator to make returns, etc.
354. Meetings to ascertain wishes of creditors or contributories.
355. Court, tribunal or person, etc., before whom affidavit may be sworn.
356. Power of Tribunal to declare dissolution of company void.
357. Commencement of winding up by Tribunal.
358. Exclusion of certain time in computing period of limitation.
PART IV.—Official Liquidators
359. Appointment of Official Liquidator.
360. Powers and functions of Official Liquidator.
361. Summary procedure for liquidation.
362. Sale of assets and recovery of debts due to company.
363. Settlement of claims of creditors by Official Liquidator.
364. Appeal by creditor.
365. Order of dissolution of company.