list of items of business which shall not be passed by circulation and shall be placed before the Board at its Meeting: Table of Contents General Business Items: Noting Minutes of Meetings of Audit Committee and other Committees. Approving …
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RBI Press note Declaration Format for FCGPR/FC TRS/ Downstream Investment
FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT (FC GPR / FC TRS / Downstream Investment) Date: BANK NAME ADDRESS Dear Sir/ Madam, Ref: Investment in ………………. for ……… (number of shares) shares @10 each by remitting FCY amounting to Rs……………….. We confirm that this inv…

Removal of Director before the expiry of the period
The directors of the organization are in charge of running the business on a daily basis. As the company's ultimate owners, the shareholders who made the investment have complete authority to choose and fire the company's directors. Important Prov…

Procedure for Capitalization of Profits - Issue of Bonus Shares
Table of Contents Provision for Issuance of Bonus Shares under Companies Act, 2013 Section 63. (1) A company may issue fully paid-up bonus shares to its members, in any manner whatsoever, out of— ( i ) its free reserves; ( ii )…

Instruction Kit for webform MR-1 Return of appointment of Managerial Personnel
LAW(S) GOVERNING THE WEBFORM Pursuant to Section 196, 197, Schedule V of the Companies Act, 2013 read with Rule 3 of the Companies (Appointment and Remuneration of Managerial Personnel) rules, 2014. Purpose of the webform On appo…