list of items of business which shall not be passed by circulation and shall be placed before the Board at its Meeting: Table of Contents General Business Items: Noting Minutes of Meetings of Audit Committee and other Committees. Approving …
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Removal of Director before the expiry of the period
The directors of the organization are in charge of running the business on a daily basis. As the company's ultimate owners, the shareholders who made the investment have complete authority to choose and fire the company's directors. Important Prov…

Procedure for Capitalization of Profits - Issue of Bonus Shares
Table of Contents Provision for Issuance of Bonus Shares under Companies Act, 2013 Section 63. (1) A company may issue fully paid-up bonus shares to its members, in any manner whatsoever, out of— ( i ) its free reserves; ( ii )…

Instruction Kit for webform MR-1 Return of appointment of Managerial Personnel
LAW(S) GOVERNING THE WEBFORM Pursuant to Section 196, 197, Schedule V of the Companies Act, 2013 read with Rule 3 of the Companies (Appointment and Remuneration of Managerial Personnel) rules, 2014. Purpose of the webform On appo…